Get To Know About Us
From advanced ultrasounds to fertility treatments and minimally invasive surgeries.
Expertise in transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound, color Doppler, semen wash, sperm bank, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery, including tubal cannulation and non-descent vaginal hysterectomy.

Fertility Solutions
Hope, Success, Support, Innovation, Care

Minimally Invasive Surgeries
Precision, Safety, Recovery, Innovation, Efficiency

Years of
Medical Service Facilities
We Provide Support In Many Different Services
Our Achievement
Thousands of couples have their dreams full filled by simple technique of IUI which is usually neglected in advance centres.

Transvaginal Ultrasound
Precision imaging for early diagnosis, guiding you gently towards effective, personalized reproductive healthcare solutions.

Transabdominal Ultrasound
Comprehensive, non-invasive imaging to illuminate your path to wellness and fertility with clarity and care.

Color Doppler
For detection of impending ovulation, early pregnancy and fetal wellbeing

Semen Wash
Enhancing fertility with cleanliness and care, bringing you closer to your dream of parenthood.

Sperm Bank
Secure your future family with our trusted sperm banking, where hope meets science and safety.

Laparoscopic Surgery
Minimally invasive, maximum precision surgical solutions that promise quicker recovery and lesser pain.

Hysteroscopic Surgery and Tubal Cannulation
Revolutionizing fertility treatments with precision and compassion, unlocking paths to parenthood.

Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy:
Innovative, less invasive hysterectomy for a faster recovery, focusing on your health and comfort.

Agrawal Polyclinic EXPERTISE
Transforming smiles with precision and care
Expert, Professional, Advanced, Compassionate, Innovative, Cutting-edge, Personalized, Comprehensive, Specialized, Trustworthy, Leading, Dedicated, Efficient, Thorough, State-of-the-art, Reliable, Skilled, Modern, Holistic, Empathetic.
We are comitted to serve you better and safe way
Book Appointment on +91-96852428611
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Want to Visit Our Clinic? Check Timings
10:00am – 02:00pm & 06:00pm – 08:00pm
10:00am – 02:00pm & 06:00pm – 08:00pm
10:00am – 02:00pm & 06:00pm – 08:00pm
10:00am – 02:00pm & 06:00pm – 08:00pm
10:00am – 02:00pm & 06:00pm – 08:00pm
10:00am – 02:00pm & 06:00pm – 08:00pm
10:00am – 12:00pm
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“Delving into Transvaginal/Transabdominal ultrasounds, Color Doppler, Semen wash, Sperm Bank, Laparoscopic/Hysteroscopic surgeries on our blog. Stay informed on the latest treatments.
पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी डिजीज (पीसीओडी): महिलाओं में एक आम हार्मोनल विकार
पीसीओडी क्या है? पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी डिजीज (पीसीओडी) प्रजनन आयु की महिलाओं में पाया जाने वाला एक आम हार्मोनल विकार है। यह एक अंतःस्रावी और मेटाबॉलिक विकार है, जो आपके शरीर में हार्मोन के संतुलन को बिगाड़ देता है। इसका परिणाम वजन बढ़ना, अनियमित मासिक धर्म और प्रजनन समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। पीसीओडी महिलाओं में बांझपन…
Unveiling the Potential of Hysteroscopic Surgery and Tubal Cannulation in Fertility Treatments
In the realm of reproductive health, advances in medical technology and surgical techniques have opened new doors for individuals and couples facing fertility challenges. Among these advancements, hysteroscopic surgery and tubal cannulation stand out as minimally invasive procedures with the potential to address specific causes of infertility related to the uterus and fallopian tubes. This…